So Your Dog Has been Diagnosed With Arthritis – What Now?
Posted in Arthritis in Dogs

Coming out of your vet clinic, having just been told by your veterinary surgeon that your beloved dog has arthritis, can be devastating. The questions in your head begin to mount up; Will we be able to go on walks together? Is my dog in constant pain? How can I help my dog cope with arthritis?

This last question is where to begin. As a Veterinary Chiropractor, with over 16 years of experience working in my hometown of Harrogate, North Yorkshire, supporting much loved family dogs who have been diagnosed with arthritis, I can help you and your dog navigate this new chapter.



What does Arthritis Mean?

The word arthritis takes its meaning from two words; the first “Arthro”, meaning joint, and the second, “itis”, which means simply inflammation. You may also hear the term “osteoarthritis” used, with “osteo” meaning bone. So, to put the words together, the meaning is inflammation of a bony joint.

As a degenerative condition, sadly arthritis can’t be cured, but there are many ways Physical Therapy Can Support your Dog. The primary purpose is to help slow down the progression of the arthritis, to keep your dog comfortable and pain free, to help your dog maintain muscle strength and mobility, and to ensure you and your dog can enjoy your life together for as long as possible.

How Can Veterinary Rehabilitation Help?

The world of veterinary rehabilitation and physiotherapy has grown and developed exponentially over the last 20 years. Using information, techniques and research from the human rehabilitation field, there are now multiple and innovative medications, rehabilitation methods, nutritional supplements, orthotic supports and if needed surgical interventions available to help you support your dog.


Within my specialist canine practice in Harrogate, I use a multi-modal, dog centred approach to the treatment of arthritis. Every dog is assessed as an individual and their treatment plans are bespoke to their individual needs. I use a blend of gentle and effective McTimoney Chiropractic techniques, massage therapy, movement training, low level laser therapy, home management techniques and exercise guides. I work together, with you to help create measurable, positive ways of assessing how your dog is managing with their arthritis. I collaborate closely with your vet to ensure your dog’s overall health is being optimised too. So, while a diagnosis of arthritis can feel devastating for your dog’s future, it really doesn’t have to be. With correct management you and your dog can continue to enjoy your walks and your life together for many years to come.


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